Current Research about Mathematics Tutoring
Journal Articles
Byerley, C., Johns, C., Moore-Russo, D., Rickard, B., James, C., Mills, M., Mammo, B., Oien, J., Burks, L., Heasom, W., Ferreira, M., Farthing, C., & Moritz, D. (2023). Towards research-based organizational structures for mathematics tutoring centres. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications. Online. https://doi.org/10.1093/teamat/hrac026
Johns, C. A., & Burks, L. C. (2022). A Framework for Mathematical Knowledge for Undergraduate Mathematics Tutors. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 1-30.
Johns, C., et al. (2022). Research-based training for undergraduate mathematics tutors. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2022.2153759
Johns, C. & Burks, L. (2022). A framework for mathematical knowledge for undergraduate mathematics tutors: A framework of knowledge and effective practices. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 9(2), 461-490. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40753-022-00165-0
Johns, C., Byerley, C., Moore-Russo, D., Rickard, B., Oien, J., Burks, L., James, C., Mills, M., Heasom, W., Ferreira, M., Mammo, B. (2021). Performance assessment for mathematics tutoring centres. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, https://doi.org/10.1093/teamat/hrab032.
Mills, M., Rickard, B., & Guest, B. (2020). Survey of mathematics tutoring centres in the USA. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2020.1798525
Johns, C. & Mills, M. (2020). Online mathematics tutoring during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recommendations for best practices, PRIMUS, DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2020.1818336
Rickard, B., & Mills, M. (2018). The effect of attending tutoring on course grades in Calculus I. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49(3), 341-354.
Rickard, B. & Mills, M. (2018) The effect of attending tutoring on course grades in Calculus I. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 49(3), 341-354.
Coulombe, G., O’Neil, M., Shuckers, M. (2016) QMaSC: A handbook for directors of quantitative and mathematics support centres. Lexington (KY): Neck Quill Press.
Mathematics Learning Resources Leadership Workshop, NSF $49,344, 2017-2019 (NSF # 2645086)
Carolyn Johns. The Ohio State University. Tutor Behaviors in Undergraduate Mathematics Drop-In Tutoring.
Katie Bjorkman. The Identities of Undergraduate Mathematics Peer Tutors within the Figured World of a Mathematics Learning Center
Conference ProceedingS
PMENA 2022
Infante, N., Ogden, L. Gallagher, K., LaRue, R., Moore-Russo, D., Tinsley, C., & Berger, A. (2022). Student choices: Online versus in-person tutoring options. In A. E. Lischka, E. B. Dyer, R. S. Jones, J. N. Lovett, J. Strayer, & S. Drown, S. (Eds). Proceedings of the 44th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1029-1037). Nashville, TN: Middle Tennessee State University.
RUME 2022
RUME 2020
Byerley, C., James, C., Moore-Russo, D., Rickard, B. Mills, M., Heasom,W., Oien, J., Farthing, C., Burks, L., Ferreira, M., Mammo, B., Moritz, D. (2020) Characteristics and Evaluation of Ten Tutoring Centers.
Johns, C. (2020) Tutoring Beyond Show and Tell: An Existence Proof.
Pilgrim, M., Miller, E., Hill-Lindsay, S., Segal, R. (2020) Analyzing the Beliefs and Practices of Graduate and Undergraduate Mathematics Tutors.
Bjorkman, K., Nickerson, S. (2019) This is Us: An Analysis of the Social Groups Within a Mathematics Learning Center.
Burks, L., James, C. (2019) Mathematical Knowledge for Tutoring Undergraduate Mathematics.
Byerley, C., Moore-Russo, D., James, C., Johns, C., Rickard, B., Mills, M. (2019) Defining the Varied Structures of Tutoring Centers: Laying a Foundation for Future Research.
McDonald, C., Mills, M. (2019) Mathematics Tutors’ Perceptions of their Role.
Mills, M., Johns, C. Ryals, M. (2019) Peer tutors attending to student mathematical thinking.
Ryals, M., Johns, C., Mills, M. (2019) Undergraduate Mathematics Tutors and Students’ Challenges of Knowing-To Act
Byerley, C., Campbell, T., Rickard, B. (2018) Evaluation of Impact of Calculus Center on Student Achievement.
Tinsley, C., Rawlins, B., Moore-Russo, D., Savic, M. (2018) Math Help Centers: Factors that Impact Student Perceptions and Attendance.